Newcastle United ima šansu za europsku kampanju
With only a few games left of the 2023/24 Premier League season, Newcastle United are still in with a chance of finishing high enough to qualify for another European campaign next season.
Preostalo je samo nekoliko utakmica u Premier League sezoni 2023/24, ali Newcastle United još uvijek ima šansu da završe dovoljno visoko kako bi se kvalificirali za novu europsku kampanju sljedeće sezone.
“Though it’s unlikely to be in the Champions League again, given how bad their injury situation has been for much of the season and where they found themselves in the table as recently as a couple of months ago, the Europa League or at worst Europa Conference League, will feel like a well-deserved end-of-season bonus.”
Uprkos tome što je malo vjerovatno da će opet igrati u Ligi prvaka, s obzirom na to kako je loša bila situacija s ozljedama tokom većeg dijela sezone i gdje su se nedavno nalazili na tabeli, Liga Europe ili u najgorem slučaju Liga konferencija Europske unije, osjećat će se kao zasluženi bonus na kraju sezone.
The summer transfer window is looming like a dark shadow in the background, however, and the Magpies will understand that one big name will perhaps have to be sold in order for the club to comply with the Premier League’s Financial Fair Play rules.
Ljetni transferni prozor se približava kao tamna sjena u pozadini, međutim, i Magpies će shvatiti da će možda morati prodati jedno veliko ime kako bi klub poštovao pravila Financijskog fair-play-a Premier lige.
Bruno Guimaraes has long been thought to be a player that could earn the club a pretty penny in transfer fees thanks to his reported £100m release clause, even if Eddie Howe has never once considered that it would be the Brazilian that’s the odd man out when the time comes to say goodbye to a major star.
Bruno Guimaraes se već dugo smatra igračem koji bi mogao donijeti klubu pristojnu svoticu novca putem transfernih naknada zahvaljujući njegovoj navodnoj klauzuli za oslobađanje od 100 miliona funti, čak i ako Eddie Howe nikada nije ni pomislio da će to biti Brazilac koji će biti izbačen kada dođe vrijeme da se rastanete s velikom zvijezdom.
Now the ball is very firmly in the Saudi Public Investment Fund’s court as they look towards planning for next season and trimming the wage bill and player numbers where possible.
Sada je lopta veoma čvrsto u rukama Saudijskog fonda za javne investicije jer se okreću planiranju za sljedeću sezonu i smanjenju troškova plaća i broja igrača gdje je to moguće.