Leicester City could perform a controversial move in January by recalling Tom Cannon from his loan spell at Stoke City just to sell the striker off for cash. The 21-year-old has been an important player for the Potters this season playing five Championship games and scoring four goals – all of which came in the one match against Portsmouth. There is no place for Cannon at his parent club at present as Jamie Vardy is taking up the majority of the minutes in the striker role. The former Everton star could become the Leicester legend’s successor, however, the Foxes are thinking short-term and plan to sell the Stoke City star in January. Several Championship clubs are interested in Cannon and according to pundit Carlton Palmer, the striker would like to join Sheffield United or West Bromwich Albion as both sides are among the best in the Championship and have a good chance of returning to the Premier League next season. Speaking to Football League World, the pundit said: “Tom Cannon, who has scored four goals in five matches, has a recall clause in his contract from [Leicester] in January. It is worrying [for Stoke]… The Foxes are keen to cash in on the Irish forward. When naming clubs that the striker could join, Palmer continued by saying: “And, obviously… West Bromwich Albion, or Sheffield United… Of course, you’re going to want to go to those clubs to be in the Premier League next season.” According to FLW, Leicester wanted £10m to part ways with Cannon during the summer and that price looks set to remain. That fee will be a big help to the Foxes as they will want to strengthen in January to give themselves a chance of remaining in the Premier League but this sale can be viewed as controversial. Even though there is a break clause in Cannon’s Stoke contract, not many clubs have activated them in the past. Recalling the striker just to sell him seems like a pretty low move but on the other hand, Leicester need to do what they can to remain in England’s top flight.
Leicester City razmišlja o kontroverznom potezu
, kojim bi u januaru pozvali Toma Cannona sa posudbe iz Stoke Cityja samo da bi ga prodali za novac. Ovaj 21-godišnjak bio je važan igrač za Potters ove sezone, igrajući pet utakmica u prvenstvu i postigavši četiri gola – svi u jednoj utakmici protiv Portsmoutha. Trenutno nema mjesta za Cannona u njegovom matičnom klubu jer Jamie Vardy zauzima većinu minuta u ulozi napadača. Bivša zvijezda Evertona mogla bi postati nasljednik legendarnog igrača Leicestera, međutim, Lisice razmišljaju kratkoročno i planiraju prodati zvijezdu Stoke Cityja u januaru. Nekoliko klubova iz prvenstva zainteresirano je za Cannona, a prema stručnjaku Carltonu Palmeru, napadač bi volio pridružiti se Sheffield Unitedu ili West Bromwich Albionu jer su obje momčadi među najboljima u prvenstvu i imaju dobru šansu za povratak u Premier ligu iduće sezone. Rekavši za Football League World, stručnjak je rekao: “Tom Cannon, koji je postigao četiri gola u pet utakmica, ima klauzulu za povratak u ugovoru od [Leicestera] u januaru. To brine [Stoke]… Lisice žele profitirati od irskog napadača. Kada je imenovao klubove u koje bi napadač mogao otići, Palmer je nastavio sugerirajući: “I, očito, West Bromwich Albion, ili Sheffield United… Naravno, želite ići u te klubove da biste bili u Premier ligi iduće sezone.” Prema FLW-u, Leicester je želio 10 miliona funti za rastanak s Cannonom tijekom ljeta i ta cijena izgleda da će ostati ista. Ta će naknada biti velika pomoć Lisicama jer će htjeti ojačati se u januaru kako bi si dali šansu da ostanu u Premier ligi, ali ovaj prodajni potez može se smatrati kontroverznim. Iako postoji klauzula o prekidu u Stokeovom ugovoru s Cannonom, nisu mnogi klubovi u prošlosti aktivirali iste. Ponovno pozivanje napadača samo da bi ga prodali čini se prilično niskim potezom, ali s druge strane, Leicester mora učiniti što god može kako bi ostao u engleskom vrhu.