Barcelona manager Xavi could now reportedly be open to staying on at the club despite previously announcing that he would be stepping down at the end of this season.
Šef Barcelone Xavi sada navodno može biti otvoren za ostanak u klubu, iako je prethodno najavio da će napustiti krajem ove sezone.
The Spanish tactician, who remains a legend at the Nou Camp from his playing days as one of the greatest midfielders in European football history, has not had the easiest time in the Barca dugout, despite winning La Liga with the club last season.
Ovaj španski taktičar, koji ostaje legenda Nou Campa iz svojih igračkih dana kao jedan od najvećih veznjaka u historiji evropskog fudbala, nije imao najlakše vrijeme na klupi Barce, iako je prošle sezone osvojio La Ligu sa klubom.
This term has been a lot more challenging, and Barcelona’s title hopes are all but over after last night’s 3-2 El Clasico defeat against bitter rivals Real Madrid.
Ovaj period je bio mnogo izazovniji, a nada Barcelone u titulu gotovo je nestala nakon jučerašnjeg poraza 3-2 u El Clasicu protiv gorčih rivala Real Madrida.
Still, a report from Mundo Deportivo suggests Xavi could be open to a U-turn on his future, with talks set to take place over the 44-year-old potentially staying on for a further year until summer 2025.
Ipak, izvještaj Mundo Deportiva sugerira da bi Xavi mogao biti otvoren za preokret u svojoj budućnosti, uz razgovore koji bi se trebali održati o mogućem produžetku njegovog ugovora do ljeta 2025. godine.
The report suggests Xavi still has a good relationship with the Barca board, including key figures Joan Laporta and Deco, so this increasingly looks like a big story to watch out for in the days and weeks ahead.
Izvještaj sugerira da Xavi i dalje ima dobre odnose sa Bordom Barce, uključujući ključne ličnosti poput Joana Laporte i Decoa, pa ovo sve više izgleda kao velika priča na koju treba obratiti pažnju u danima i nedjeljama koje dolaze.
Xavi may well deserve a bit more time to turn things around at Barcelona, but the truth is that there’ll also surely be many fans who feel the club could do with someone better coming in.
Xavi svakako može zaslužiti malo više vremena da promijeni stvari u Barceloni, ali istina je da će sigurno biti mnogo navijača koji smatraju da je klubu potreban neko bolji.
Xavi has done a decent job in his time in charge of Barca, but standards are high at the club, so he’ll need to improve things quickly if he does end up staying on for another season.
Xavi je obavio pristojan posao u svom mandatu na čelu Barce, ali standardi su visoki u klubu, tako da će morati brzo poboljšati stvari ako stvarno ostane još jednu sezonu.