Arsenalova trenutna kriza povreda u napadu ih je usmjerila na potragu za novim napadačem u trenutnom prelaznom roku, s nekoliko imena povezanih s transferom.
Bukayo Saka, talisman kluba, očekuje se da će biti van terena još najmanje dva mjeseca zbog povrede tetive. Dodatno opterećujući Arsenalove probleme, Raheem Sterling—na posudbi iz Chelseaja—ima problema s formom i propustio je pet utakmica ranije ove sezone zbog povrede koljena. Situacija se pogoršala tokom poraza u FA Cupu od Manchester Uniteda, gdje je Gabriel Jesus pretrpio tešku povredu koljena koja će ga vjerovatno držati van terena duže vrijeme.
Their problems in attack have reflected in their recent performances. The team was knocked out of the FA Cup by United and is on the verge of elimination from the League Cup after a 2-0 loss to Newcastle in the first leg of their semifinal.
Međutim, Arsenal ostaje jak konkurent i u Premier ligi i u Ligi prvaka. Trenutno zauzimaju drugo mjesto u ligi, šest bodova iza Liverpoola, koji imaju jednu utakmicu manje. Ali, morat će pružiti najbolje u drugom dijelu sezone i definitivno će trebati više pojačanja ovog mjeseca ako žele konkurirati za trofej ove sezone.
Speaking exclusively to CaughtOffside for his latest Daily Briefing column, Arsenal expert Charles Watts emphasized the urgent need for Arsenal to act in the transfer market.
Watts je sugerisao da Arsenal možda čak treba platiti više za napadača na tržištu u januaru, s igračima poput Benjamina Seska, koji su bili meta Arsenala prošlog ljeta, ističući kao glavne mete. Ali priznao je da se čini malo vjerovatnim da će Arsenal ostvariti transfer za Seska u januaru zbog njegove posvećenosti Leipzig, te da bi Arsenal mogao ponovo razmotriti dogovor tokom ljeta.
It’s clear that they need more and that the players that are already there need help. They look like they are running on fumes right now. Confidence is shot, but they can’t be taken out of the firing line because there is just no-one else Arteta can call on.
So the club needs to act and failure to do so would basically be waving the white flag for the remainder of the season in my opinion.
I know it will be tough and the market is difficult in January. But you can’t tell me that there is no-one out there who could come in and make a big difference. It might mean overpaying, but sometimes you just have to do that to give yourself the best chance of success.
It was ironic that Benjamin Sesko, the striker Arsenal really wanted in the summer, scored an absolute stunner for Leipzig at the same time that Mikel Arteta’s side were struggling to find the target against United on Sunday.
I would be surprised if Arsenal were to go back for Sesko this month, just because it was made very clear last summer that he wanted to stay in Germany for at least another season.
That does feel like a deal that would have to wait until the end of the campaign, should Arsenal opt to rekindle their interest in the Slovenia international.
Arsenal već je napravio značajne korake za dovođenje Benjamina Seska, budući da su bili zainteresovani za njegovu kupovinu u posljednjem prelaznom roku. Potez se tada nije dogodio jer je 21-godišnjak odlučio ostati još jednu sezonu i potpisao novi ugovor s Leipzogom. Sesko je nastavio impresionirati u Bundesligi, postigavši sedam golova i pruživši dvije asistencije u 16 ligaških nastupa ove sezone, što je njegov ukupan rekord za njemački klub 30 golova i pet asistencija u 66 nastupa i ukupni seniorski rekord karijere 81 gol & 22 asistencije u 189 utakmica u svim takmičenjima.
How the January window progresses, Arsenal’s management faces immense pressure to secure reinforcements and bolster their attack. With the Premier League title race and Champions League campaign still within reach, the Gunners’ ability to act decisively this month could define their season.