David Ornstein izvještava o najnovijim informacijama o situaciji Trenta Alexander-Arnolda u Liverpoolu, s sugestijom da se njegov potencijalni transfer u Real Madrid približava.
Speaking on NBC Sports in the video embedded below, Ornstein rounded up what he’s hearing from a variety of sources…
Euro giants make SURPRISE approach to sign Liverpool forward!
The England international is close to the end of his contract and although nothing has been decided yet, it seems there is the growing expectation that he won’t renew his deal and will leave Anfield as a free agent at the end of this current campaign…
Kada je upitan o budućnosti Alexander-Arnolda, Ornstein je rekao: “That is the consensus within the industry, it would seem, and certainly reports in Spain suggest that Trent Alexander-Arnold to Real Madrid is getting closer. “My information is that nothing is decided just yet, and so we need to bring a bit of calm to the situation. “All options remain open and that’s largely because his camp has not been able to hold any formal negotiation yet. They cannot do that until January 1st, but that’s very soon.”
Alexander-Arnold će biti slobodan da započne pregovore sa klubovima izvan Engleske od sutra, tako da ako odluči ostati u Liverpoolu, stvarno će biti tesno. 26-godišnjak je bio sa LFC tokom cijele svoje dosadašnje karijere, prošavši kroz akademiju kluba, i to će biti veliki udarac za navijače ukoliko odluči otići.
Arne Slot gradi nešto veoma obećavajuće u Liverpoolu, i možda je iznenađujuće što Alexander-Arnold ne želi nastaviti biti dio toga, ali istovremeno je lako vidjeti zašto Real Madrid ne bi bio lako odbiti. Španski divovi bi mogli dobro proći dodavanjem ovog svjetskog desnog beka u svoj tim, i to će biti veliki izazov za Liverpool da ga zamijeni i ponovo izgradi tim ukoliko ode.