Julian Alvarez i budućnost u Manchester Cityju
As Man City prepare to defend their Premier League title once again, the futures of one or two of their players remain up in the air.
Kako se Manchester City priprema da ponovo brani svoju titulu u Premier ligi, sudbine jednog ili dvojice njihovih igrača ostaju neizvjesne.
The last thing that Pep Guardiola is likely to want is for dressing room equilibrium to be affected right on top of the new season, however, unless outstanding contract situations are quickly dealt with, that’s almost certainly what will happen.
Zadnje što Pep Guardiola vjerojatno želi je da se ravnoteža svlačionice poremeti odmah na početku nove sezone, međutim, osim ako se ne riješe izvanredne situacije u ugovorima, to se gotovo sigurno će desiti.
Argentine World Cup winner, Julian Alvarez, clearly wants more playing time in 2024/25, but with Erling Haaland ahead of him, that’s unlikely to happen unless the Norwegian powerhouse gets injured.
Argentinski osvajač Svjetskog prvenstva, Julian Alvarez, očigledno želi više vremena na terenu u 2024/25, ali s Erlingom Haalandom ispred njega, to je malo vjerovatno da će se dogoditi osim ako norveški div ne bude ozlijeđen.
In that precise scenario, as has happened in the past, Alvarez has been a more than able deputy, and therefore, it’s complete understandable why City would be loathe to allow the striker to leave the club.
U točno takvom scenariju, kao što se desilo i u prošlosti, Alvarez je bio više nego sposoban zamjenik, stoga je potpuno razumljivo zašto bi City bio protiv toga da napusti klub.
Unfortunately for all concerned, nothing is going to happen for a while yet.
Nažalost, ništa se neće dogoditi još neko vrijeme.
“There’s no substantial update yet on Julian Alvarez and nothing to say before the end of the Olympics,” Fabrizio Romano said to CaughtOffside for his exclusive Daily Briefing. “He wants to play more and Man City want to keep Julian, but that remains the same story as I revealed in June. “After the Olympics, Julian and his agents will talk to Man City and we will see if there are any more developments.”
“Za sada nema značajnog ažuriranja o Julianu Alvarezu i ništa se neće reći prije kraja Olimpijade,” rekao je Fabrizio Romano za CaughtOffside za njegov ekskluzivni Daily Briefing. “On želi igrati više i Manchester City želi zadržati Juliana, ali to ostaje ista priča kao što sam otkrio u lipnju. “Nakon Olimpijade, Julian i njegovi agenti će razgovarati s Manchester Cityjem i vidjet ćemo da li će biti još nekih razvoja.”
If the player is to have any chance of leaving the club, any interested parties – of which Atletico Madrid are believed to be one – will need to pay a huge amount to even get City around the negotiating table.
Ako igrač želi imati ikakvu šansu da napusti klub, svaka zainteresovana strana – među kojima se vjeruje da je i Atletico Madrid – morat će platiti ogromnu sumu samo da bi doveli Manchester City za pregovarački stol.
It would also severely weaken Guardiola’s options from the bench, so it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that he too will require his paymasters to replace Alvarez before a ball is kicked in the new season.
To bi također ozbiljno oslabilo opcije Guardiole s klupe, stoga nije izvan mogućnosti da će i on morati zatražiti od svojih gospodara da zamijene Alvareza prije nego što lopta bude udarena u novoj sezoni.