Stan Collymore kritikuje prioritete predsjednika Tottenhama
Where Tottenham are concerned, nothing is done without the express permission of Daniel Levy, and Stan Collymore has question the chairman’s priorities. It has been suggested that Daniel Levy could step aside at Spurs, though most fans will almost certainly be of the opinion that they’ll believe it when they see it. Rumours of Ange Postecoglou being on the brink of losing his job does nothing for Levy’s credibility either. Though the north Londoners won an uninspiring contest against Man United, protests before, during and after the game let Levy know the strength of feeling towards him amongst the fan base. “For Tottenham, is Ange Postecoglou a league title winning manager or a regular top four manager?” Stan Collymore said to CaughtOffside for his exclusive column. “Will he get the same amount of years as Mikel Arteta has had at Arsenal? I doubt it, because Daniel Levy always looks to pull the rug and then get the new shiny manager to walk through the door. “I’ve got NO respect for him, he’s even worse than Mario Balotelli!” – which ex-Liverpool teammate is Steven Gerrard talking about? “[…] At Spurs, nothing’s going to change. Daniel Levy loves the shiny new stadium, having NFL games and concerts there etc. “He’ll buy the odd marquee signing but otherwise, keep your mouth shut and don’t ask too many questions.” Whilst it’s abundantly clear that Spurs’ injury problems have significantly impacted their ability to do well, that is a side issue to the problems that Levy appears to create. For a club as big as the North Londoners are, it’s a damning indictment that their trophy cabinet has remained bare over the past decade and a half. Unless the chairman is willing to change the habits of a lifetime, then as Collymore attests, it’s just going to be more of the same – and that’s an untenable situation for many.
Kada je u pitanju Tottenham, ništa se ne radi bez izričitog odobrenja Daniela Levya, a Stan Collymore je upitao prioritete predsjednika. Spekuliše se da bi Daniel Levy mogao stati sa strane u Spursima, iako će većina navijača vjerovatno biti mišljenja da će to povjerovati kad vide. Glasine o tome da je Ange Postecoglou na korak do gubitka posla ništa ne doprinose Levyevoj vjerodostojnosti. Iako su sjeverni Londonci pobijedili Man United u neinspirativnom susretu, protesti prije, tokom i nakon utakmice dali su do znanja Levyevoj snazi među navijačima. “Za Tottenham, da li je Ange Postecoglou trener koji osvaja titulu ili redovan top četiri trener?” Stan Collymore rekao je za CaughtOffside za svoju ekskluzivnu kolumnu. “Hoće li dobiti isti broj godina kao što je Mikel Arteta imao u Arsenalu? Sumnjam, jer Daniel Levy uvijek izgleda kao da povlači tepih i onda dovede novog sjajnog trenera da uđe kroz vrata. “Nemam NI malo poštovanja prema njemu, on je čak i gori od Maria Balotellija!” – o kojem bivšem suigraču iz Liverpoola govori Steven Gerrard? “[…] U Spursima, ništa se neće promijeniti. Daniel Levy obožava sjajni novi stadion, održavanje NFL utakmica i koncerata itd. “Kupit će povremeno poznato pojačanje ali inače, držite usta zatvorena i nemojte previše pitati.” Iako je jasno da su povrede Spursa značajno uticale na njihovu sposobnost da dobro igraju, to je sporedna stvar u pored problemima koje Levy izgleda stvara. Za klub tako velik kao što su sjeverni Londonci, to je optužba da je njihov trofejni ormar ostao prazan posljednje decenije i po. Oslobodi li se predsjednik navika koje je stvarao cijeli život, tada kako Collymore svjedoči, to će biti samo više istog – a to je nepodnošljiva situacija za mnoge.