Chelsea have been linked with a move for the German defensive midfielder Kofi Jeremy Amoako from VfL Wolfsburg at the end of the season. The 19-year-old midfielder is currently on loan at VfL Osnabruck in the third division of German football and he has done quite well for them. The youngster has attracted the attention of Chelsea with his performances and the Blues are hoping to sign at the end of the season. The Blues are looking at other central midfielders as well. According to a report from BILD, Chelsea have already been in contact with the midfielder’s representatives, and they have presented him with their project. It will be interesting to see if they follow up with an official offer to sign the player. Wolfsburg will not want to lose a talented young player like him easily, but Chelsea have the financial resources to get the deal done. The player could be attracted to the idea of joining them as well. They are one of the biggest clubs in the world and the opportunity to play in the Premier League can be hard to turn down. Chelsea have shown a willingness to invest in talented young players since the change of ownership, and it seems that they are looking to add to the formidable pool of young talent already at the club. The 19-year-old could be attracted to the idea of joining the London club. However, he needs to choose his next destination carefully. He cannot afford to sit on the bench at a big club at this stage of his career. He needs to join the club where there will be a clear pathway for him to the first team. It remains to be seen whether Chelsea can satisfy the player with their proposal and agree on a deal with the German club over the next few months.
Chelsea želi potpis mladog talentiranog njemačkog veznog igrača Kofi Jeremy Amoako iz VfL Wolfsburga na kraju sezone.
Kofi Jeremy Amoako, njemački defanzivni veznjak iz VfL Wolfsburga, povezan je s Chelseajem na kraju sezone. Njemački 19-godišnji veznjak trenutno je na posudbi u VfL Osnabrucku u trećoj ligi njemačkog nogometa i prilično dobro igra za njih. Mladić je privukao pažnju Chelseaja svojim nastupima, a Plavci se nadaju da će ga potpisati na kraju sezone. Chelsea također razmatra druge centralne vezne igrače. Prema izvještaju BILDA, Chelsea je već bila u kontaktu s predstavnicima veznjaka i predstavili su mu svoj projekt. Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti hoće li nastaviti s službenom ponudom za potpisivanje igrača. Wolfsburg neće lako pustiti talentiranog mladog igrača poput njega, ali Chelsea ima financijska sredstva da završe posao. Igrač bi također mogao biti privučen ideji pridruživanja Chelseaju. Oni su jedan od najvećih klubova na svijetu i prilika za igranje u Premier ligi može biti teška za odbiti. Chelsea je pokazao spremnost ulagati u talentiranu mladu igrače od promjene vlasništva i čini se da traže dodavanje već impresivnog bazena mladih talenata koji već postoje u klubu. 19-godišnjak bi mogao biti privučen ideji pridruživanja londonskom klubu. Međutim, treba pažljivo birati svoje sljedeće odredište. Ne može si priuštiti sjediti na klupi u velikom klubu u ovom trenutku svoje karijere. Morao bi se pridružiti klubu gdje će postojati jasan put prema prvom timu. Ostaje vidjeti može li Chelsea zadovoljiti igrača svojim prijedlogom i dogovoriti ugovor s njemačkim klubom tijekom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci.