Sesko se odlučio za prelazak u Premier ligu
Indeed, the striker had never hidden his preference for a transfer to the Premier League. The Gunners had not been informed in advance by Sesko of his decision, and with the player rejecting some attempts from Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago too, Arsenal clearly felt they were in pole position. Mikel Arteta is also on the verge of losing out on another target, followed since January, in Aston Villa’s Douglas Luiz.
Zaista, napadač nikada nije skrivao svoju preferenciju za prelazak u Premier ligu. Topnici nisu bili unaprijed obaviješteni od Seska o njegovoj odluci, te s obzirom da je igrač odbio neke ponude iz Saudijske Arabije prije nekoliko tjedana, Arsenal je očigledno osjetio da su u prednosti. Mikel Arteta također stoji na rubu gubitka još jedne mete, slijedio ga je od januara, a to je Douglas Luiz iz Aston Ville.