Tottenham planira velike poteze na tržištu transfesra
After an underwhelming season in the Premier League, Tottenham are targeting some big moves in the summer transfer window. Spurs are still sitting in the bottom half of the Premier League table and they are unhappy with their squad depth and quality. Injury issues have not helped their cause this season and Ange Postecoglou is ready to add more quality in his midfield and defense at the end of the season. According to GiveMeSport, the North London club are eyeing a double swoop for Crystal Palace stars Eberechi Eze and Marc Guehi. Tottenham signed Mathys Tel, Antonin Kinsky and Kevin Danso in the January transfer window but their transfer business is not going to stop any time soon. Tottenham also showed interest in signing Guehi in the winter transfer window but Palace rejected their attempt to sign the England international defender. Postecoglou’s side are hoping to bring both Eze and Guehi to the club in the summer from their Premier League rivals. Both the players have helped Oliver Glasner in turning around the season for the Eagles after a poor start. Interest will be high in the services of both the player due to their quality and their consistency. Guehi is being eyed by all the top clubs in the Premier League and particularly Newcastle United, who made several moves to sign him last summer but failed to secure his services. As for Eze, Spurs are hoping to find out if they would be able to sign the player for less than his £68million buyout clause. As per the report, Tottenham’s advances are set to be snubbed by Palace but that would not stop them from making a move for the players, particularly for Eze, who Spurs believe can give them a cutting edge in the final third when they attack. The North London club are expected to enter negotiations early in the summer for the Palace duo since they know that clubs across the Premier League club will be giving their all to sign the talented English duo. Spurs have also been linked with a move for another Palace star; midfielder Adam Wharton. Tottenham hoping to sign €60 million-rated “excellent” African star in summer
Nakon razočaravajuće sezone u Premijer ligi, Tottenham cilja na neke velike transfere u ljetnom transfernom prozoru. Spursi i dalje zauzimaju donju polovicu tabele Premijer lige i nezadovoljni su dubinom i kvalitetom svog tima. Problemi s povredama nisu pomogli njihovom uzroku ove sezone i Ange Postecoglou je spreman dodati više kvalitete u svoje vezne redove i odbranu na kraju sezone. Prema GiveMeSportu, klub iz Sjevernog Londona razmatra dvostruki udarac za zvijezde Crystal Palacea, Eberechie Ezeea i Marca Guehija. Tottenham je potpisao Mathysa Tela, Antonina Kinskya i Kevina Dansoa u januarskom transfernom prozoru, ali njihovi transferni poslovi neće stati bilo kad uskoro. Tottenham je također pokazao interes za potpisivanje Guehija u zimskom transfernom prozoru, ali Palace je odbio njihov pokušaj da dovedu engleskog reprezentativca u odbrani. Strana Postecogloua se nada dovođenju i Ezeea i Guehija u klub u ljeto iz njihovih Premierligaških konkurenata. Obojica igrača su pomogli Oliveru Glasneru da okrene sezonu za Orao nakon lošeg početka. Interes će biti visok za usluge oba igrača zbog njihovog kvaliteta i konstantnosti. Guehi je na meti svih najboljih klubova u Premijer ligi, posebno Newcastle Uniteda, koji su prošlog ljeta poduzeli nekoliko koraka da ga dovedu, ali nisu uspjeli obezbijediti njegove usluge. Što se tiče Ezea, Spursi se nadaju saznati da li će moći dovesti igrača za manje od njegove odštete od 68 miliona funti. Prema izvještaju, napadi Tottenhama će biti odbijeni od strane Palacea, ali to ih neće spriječiti da pokrenu poteze za igrače, posebno za Ezeea, u kojeg Spursi vjeruju da im može pružiti prednost u poslednjoj trećini kada napadaju. Očekuje se da će klub iz Sjevernog Londona stupiti u pregovore rano u ljeto za duo sa Palacea, jer znaju da će klubovi širom Premijer lige dati sve od sebe da potpišu talentovani engleski duo. Spursi su također povezani s potezom za još jednu zvijezdu Palacea, veznog igrača Adama Whartona. Tottenham se nada da će potpisati “izvrsnog” afričkog zvijezdu procijenjenog na 60 miliona eura u ljetu