Albert Sambi Lokonga planira ostati u Sevilli nakon završetka sezone
One of the Arsenal midfielders who is not in the future plans of manager Mikel Arteta is looking to leave the club in the summer transfer window. The Gunners are set to go through changes after this season which would see the club reshuffle their midfield due to the impending departures of both Jorginho and Thomas Partey. Another midfielder who could be on the move in the summer transfer window is Albert Sambi Lokonga. According to Caught Offside sources, the Belgian midfielder wants to make his loan move to Sevilla permanent at the end of the season. The 25-year-old midfielder is keen on continuing his spell in La Liga, a league where he feels he can perform better. Sevilla and Arsenal had previously agreed on a purchase option for €12 million. However, Sevilla are considering renegotiating over this fee, given that Lokonga has only one year left on his contract with Arsenal. Lokonga has made it clear that he feels in the best shape at Sevilla since leaving Anderlecht and wants to stay here. The fact that he is not included in the long-term plans of Arsenal manager Arteta increases the likelihood that the player will be offloaded at an affordable price. In conversation with RTBF, the midfielder expressed his liking for the Spanish league. “Spain is something I’ve always wanted. So today, being at Sevilla is really an opportunity that I have to respect and take seriously. I think I’m in a league that suits me, with a team that suits me. So, it’s up to me to make the difference,” he said. “I want to stay here, and I think this is a club where I can settle in for the long term by staying for three or four years and then maybe try to find another challenge. But I’m certainly fulfilled here.” Lokonga’s performance in Seville has attracted the attention of not only his current club, but also other Spanish giants. Real Betis, Villarreal and Atletico Madrid are closely following the development of the Belgian player. If Sevilla cannot make Lokonga’s transfer permanent, it is known that these clubs are planning to make an offer for the player of over €10 million. Mikel Arteta asks Arsenal for surprise signing of striker who has “strong chances” of summer move
Albert Sambi Lokonga, belgijski vezni igrač Arsenala, planira ostati u Sevilli nakon završetka sezone.
The Gunners su postavljeni da prođu kroz promjene nakon ove sezone koje bi vidjele klub da preuzme sredinu terena zbog nadolazećih odlazaka kako Jorginha tako i Thomasa Parteyja. Još jedan vezni igrač koji bi mogao biti na putu u ljetnom prijelaznom roku je Albert Sambi Lokonga. Prema izvorima Caught Offside-a, belgijski vezni igrač želi da njegov privremeni transfer u Sevillu postane trajan nakon završetka sezone. 25-godišnji vezni igrač želi nastaviti svoj boravak u La Ligi, ligi u kojoj vjeruje da može bolje igrati. Sevilla i Arsenal su prethodno dogovorili opciju kupovine za €12 miliona. Međutim, Sevilla razmatra ponovno pregovaranje oko ove naknade, s obzirom da Lokonga ima samo još godinu dana ugovora s Arsenalom. Lokonga je jasno stavio do znanja da se osjeća u najboljoj formi u Sevilli od odlaska iz Anderlechta i želi ostati ovdje. Činjenica da nije uključen u dugoročne planove menadžera Arsenala Artete povećava vjerovatnoću da će igrač biti prodat po prihvatljivoj cijeni. U razgovoru s RTBF-om, vezni igrač je izrazio svoju naklonost španskoj ligi. “Španija je nešto što sam oduvijek želio. Tako da danas, biti u Sevilli je zaista prilika koju moram poštovati i ozbiljno shvatiti. Mislim da sam u ligi koja mi odgovara, s timom koji mi odgovara. Tako da je na meni da napravim razliku,” rekao je. “Želim ostati ovdje, i mislim da je ovo klub u kojem se mogu trajno nastaniti tako što ću ostati tri ili četiri godine pa možda pokušati pronaći drugi izazov. Ali ovdje sam definitivno ispunjen.” Lokongina igra u Sevilli privukla je pažnju ne samo njegovog trenutnog kluba, već i drugih španskih divova. Real Betis, Villarreal i Atletico Madrid pažljivo prate razvoj belgijskog igrača. Ako Sevilla ne može učiniti Lokongin transfer trajnim, poznato je da ovi klubovi planiraju ponuditi igraču preko €10 miliona. Mikel Arteta traži od Arsenala iznenađujuće potpisivanje napadača koji ima “čvrste šanse” za ljetni prelaz.